Pig to Plate Adventure

Since 2018, the Iowa Pork Producers Association has been offering the ultimate pork industry experience for high school students! Activities include a commercial pig farm tour, a fabrication demonstration, a look into careers in the pork industry, a hands-on pork cookery class, and more! Read a recap of the November 2024 event.
The next Pig to Plate Adventure will be March 13, 2025!
This ONE-DAY event runs approximately 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Attendees are expected to participate in the entire day. If you are unable to stay for the full program, please do not register.
Registration is now full, but we will add you to a waitlist.
Where: Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa
Who: Iowa high school students and FFA/FCCLA advisers. Due to high demand for this event, we don’t accept repeat student attendees.
What: Tour the ISU Swine Teaching Farm, learn about pork cuts in a pig fabrication demonstration, and gain experience with a hands-on pork cooking workshop.
Cost: FREE to students and adviser attending! We accept up to 60 total attendees; each school district can send up to five students and one adviser.
Advisers should first register their group. Each school can register up to five students who have never attended a Pig to Plate Adventure event. A student registration form will be provided in your confirmation email for each student to take home and complete.
Contact Addison Randall at arandall@iowapork.org or 515-225-7675.